Top 10 Dangerous Diseases in the world & their Symptoms.
The World Health Organization has been publishing a list of 10 diseases that have accelerated medical research and need to be controlled immediately since 2015.
The spread of these diseases poses a great threat globally. No drugs or vaccine have yet been found to be needed.
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The list also includes diseases caused by the virus, including the recent outbreak of Ebola in Africa and Nipah, which has begun to infect India.
What are those 10 diseases?
1. Nipah virus :
The virus is transmitted from fruit bats to livestock and humans.
Symptoms include swelling of the brain after a fever, vomiting, or headache. Drugs to protect humans and animals from the disease have not yet been discovered.
What is 'Nipah' virus? What are its symptoms?
Currently 70% of Nipah attackers are dead.
The virus got its name from the first detection of the virus in pigs in 1998 in the Malaysian city of Nipah.
At the time, the disease had spread from infected animals to about 300 people. More than 100 of them died.
2. 'Heniba viral' diseases:
Nipah virus belongs to the group of 'Heniba viral' diseases transmitted by fruit bats.
The 'Henra' virus, first identified in Australia, belongs to the same genus.
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The virus spreads from fruit bats to horses and humans. It was first discovered in 1994 in Brisbane. It has been responsible for the deaths of the first 70 horses since then.
Four of the seven victims of the virus have died.
3. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever:
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is transmitted from ticks to humans.
About 40% of the victims die.
The virus was first discovered in the Crimea in 1944 and later in the Congo. The disease is endemic in Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and parts of Asia.
Symptoms include high fever, back pain, joint pain, abdominal pain and vomiting.
The virus, which is transmitted to humans by the bite of ticks, first attacks livestock.
It is spread through the blood and body fluids of an infected person.
So far there are no drugs to protect humans or animals from this.
4. Ebola virus:
The virus became known as 'Ebola' in 1976 when the virus was first detected on the banks of the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
It is also a disease caused by fruit bats. The disease, which affects animals, is transmitted from animals to humans.
It is spread to other humans through wounds on the skin of the victim, mouth, nose, blood, vomit, feces, and body fluids.
Ebola hidden in the sperm of the healed for 9 months
The virus can also be found in urine and semen.
It kills 50% of the attackers. From 2014 to 2016, the spread of the disease in West Africa caused 11,000 deaths.
After fever and physical exhaustion, it can lead to diarrhea, kidney and liver damage, and bleeding from the eyes, nose, or mouth.
5. Breast virus:
The virus associated with Ebola is the mammary gland virus.
It can infect others through the body fluids of the victim.
The virus is also spread by fruit bats.
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Between 24% and 88% of victims die.
Excessive bleeding can cause death within eight to nine days.
It was first discovered in 1967 in the German city of Marbach.
6. SARS:
People in Hong Kong wear surgical masks to try to reduce the chance of infection from SARS
Hong Kong is under threat of SARS in early April 2003
‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome’ is a respiratory illness caused by a virus.
Researchers also say that cats need to be included in any precautionary measures against the virus.
Hepatitis - a disease that kills quietly
The SARS outbreak occurred twice from 2002 to 2004.
Of the 8,098 victims, 774 died.
It is spread through air and saliva.
7. MERS:
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 'is a type of SARS.
It was discovered in 2012 in Saudi Arabia.
About 35% of those killed by MERS are dead.
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The disease is more dangerous than the SARS virus and does not spread to its extent.
Researchers believe that the MERS virus can be transmitted from camels.
So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange
80% of them are Saudis.
8. Rift Valley Fever:
Rift Valley fever first strikes livestock and thereby spreads to humans
The flu is transmitted to livestock by blood-sucking flies and mosquitoes.
The disease, which also infects humans, can lead to death due to vascular damage or organ failure.
It can also be transmitted to humans by drinking unpasteurized milk from infected animals.
The flu was discovered in 1931 on a farm in the Rift Valley of Kenya.
9. Zika virus:
Pregnant women should not travel to areas with Zika spread.
Zika virus, which is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes, is transmitted to humans through sexual contact
Symptoms include fever, headache, and skin rash.
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Researchers have suggested that this may be due to the fact that babies are born with a small head called microcephaly.
Infection with adults can lead to hand and foot paralysis.
The virus was discovered in the Zika forest in Uganda in 1947 by the Semmukh Korans.
10. Lhasa Fever:
Rats are the source of the Lhasa virus.
The flu is transmitted to humans by contact with the urine or feces of mice infected with the Lhasa virus.
It is spread from person to person through the blood, urine, feces, and other body fluids of victims.
In the worst cases, death can occur within 14 days due to vascular damage or organ failure.
The first vaccine to prevent sexually transmitted infections
More than 1% of those infected with Lhasa fever die.
Symptoms include fever, headache, and malaise.
The virus was discovered in 1969 in Lhasa, Nigeria.
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